In 2009, the Canadian Society for Epidemiology and Biostatistics presented two biennial awards at the 2009 CSEB/APHEO Joint Conference to deserving members of the CSEB community: The Geoffrey R. Howe Distinguished Contributions Award and the CSEB Distinguished Service Award. In addition, The Lifetime Service Award in Public Health and Epidemiology was also awarded.

The Geoffrey R. Howe Distinguished Contributions
Award Winner – Anthony B. Miller 

The CSEB Distinguished Service
Award Winner – Richard Gallagher

The Lifetime Service Award in Public Health
and Epidemiology – John M. Last

2009 Student Award Winners

Oral Presentation Awards
1st Place: Minh Do, University of Toronto

Ionizing Radiation Exposure and Risk of Gastrointestinal Cancers: A Study of Ontario Uranium Miners

2nd Place: Quynh Huynh, Queen’s University

The effects of tobacco and cannabis on psychosomatic health of Canadian youth

3rd Place: Brendan Smith, McGill University

Prospective Study of Life Course Socioeconomic Position and Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes: The Experience of the Framingham Offspring Study

Honourable Mention:

Elisa Candido, University of Toronto Trends in thyroid cancer incidence in Ontario, Canada: 1985-2004

Poster Presentation
1st Place – Jessica Evans, University of Ottawa

An Estimation of the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) due to Particulate Air Pollution

2nd Place – Henri Kaboré, Université de Laval

Descriptive analysis of giardiasis cases in children of 0 to 4 years old reported in Quebec, Canada, 1999-2006 and association with environmental risk factors

3rd Place: Hanieh Rahimi, University of Western Ontario

Antiviral Agents in the Management of Oral Herpetic Infections, A Systematic Review

Honourable Mentions:

Jessica Dennis, University of Ottawa Systematic review of the utility of the case-only design to detect gene-environment and gene-gene interactions

James Macintosh, Brock University The impact of campus tobacco control policies on marijuana use among Ontario undergraduates

Liesha Mayo-Bruinsma, University of Ottawa Reasons for Breastfeeding Cessation Associated with Duration of Exclusive Breastfeeding

Annalise Jensen, University of Western Ontario The Association Between Environmental Factors and the Quality of Big Brothers Big Sisters Community Match Relationships in Canada Robert Craig

Wilson, Memorial University Planning the restructuring of institutional long-term care in Newfoundland: validity of assumptions regarding bed use