Epidemiology and Biostatistics: From Molecules to Population
CSEB 2017 Biennial Conference
107 Tunnel Mountain Dr.
Banff, AB T1L 1H5
May 30 – June 2
Presentations now available!
Oral PresentationsPoster Presentations
Conference Program and Materials
Conference ProgramConference Speakers
Nature News – Stay Safe!
Download Conference Rate Card
Please note: CSEB will never ask conference attendees to pay any conference fees over the telephone or through a wire transfer service. If in doubt, then please contact Sally Clelford at the coordinates below before paying any fee. We will not threaten you with punitive action such as cancelling your registration unless you give out your credit card number immediately over the phone. Again, if in doubt, then please contact Sally.




Exhibit Boothh

Community Friend

For any questions please contact the Conference Secretariat at:
Sally Clelford
Face 2 Face Events Management
Local Tel: (613) 288-9239, ext. 101 | Toll Free: (866) 306-5714 | Email: sally@f2fe.com